Uses of Interface

Packages that use XmlDb

Uses of XmlDb in net.sf.xaj

Methods in net.sf.xaj that return XmlDb
 XmlDb DiscoverableXmlDb.getXmlDb()
          Get the XmlDb instance represented by this service key.
 XmlDb XmlDbManager.getXmlDbInstance(java.lang.String uri)
          Get an XmlDb implementation.

Methods in net.sf.xaj with parameters of type XmlDb
 boolean XmlDbBatchHandler.processXmlResource(XmlDb xmlDb, int count, XmlResource resource)
          Process an XmlResource.

Uses of XmlDb in net.sf.xaj.core

Classes in net.sf.xaj.core that implement XmlDb
 class AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
          Base implemenation of XmlDb that supports batch transactions.
 class ReplicatingXmlDb
          An XmlDb that replicates write operations to a set of XmlDb delegates and then executes reads against any of the XmlDb instances in round-robin fashion.

Methods in net.sf.xaj.core that return XmlDb
 XmlDb[] ReplicatingXmlDb.getDelegates()
 XmlDb ReplicatingXmlDb.getXmlDb()
 XmlDb AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb.getXmlDb()
 XmlDb XmlDbManagerBean.getXmlDbInstance(java.lang.String uri)

Methods in net.sf.xaj.core with parameters of type XmlDb
 boolean StoreBatchHandler.processXmlResource(XmlDb xmlDb, int count, XmlResource resource)
 void XmlDbManagerBean.registerXmlDbService(java.lang.String serviceKey, XmlDb xmlDb)
          Setup a single XmlDb service.
 void ReplicatingXmlDb.setDelegates(XmlDb[] delegates)

Method parameters in net.sf.xaj.core with type arguments of type XmlDb
 void XmlDbManagerBean.setManagedXmlDbRegexMap(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,XmlDb> managedXmlDbRegexMap)
          Setup the managedXmlDbMap property using a Map with String service keys.

Uses of XmlDb in

Methods in that return XmlDb
 XmlDb XAttackTaskConfig.getXmlDb()

Methods in with parameters of type XmlDb
 void XAttackTaskConfig.setXmlDb(XmlDb xmlDb)

Uses of XmlDb in net.sf.xaj.web

Classes in net.sf.xaj.web that implement XmlDb
 class XmlDbWebRemoteService
          An XmlDb faĆ€ade that delegates tasks to a remote XmlDb web service.

Methods in net.sf.xaj.web that return XmlDb
 XmlDb XmlDbWebRemoteService.getXmlDb()