Package net.sf.xaj.web

Class Summary
WebRemoteTransactionHolder WebRemoteTransactionManager binds instances of this class to the thread, for a given XmlDbWebRemoteService.
WebRemoteTransactionManager PlatformTransactionManager implementation for the XmlDbWebRemoteService class.
XmlDbBatchWebService Web service for managing long-running batch operations.
XmlDbBatchWebService.Command Controller command object.
XmlDbWebConstants Constants for the XmlDb web package.
XmlDbWebRemoteService An XmlDb faƀade that delegates tasks to a remote XmlDb web service.
XmlDbWebService Simple web-based service for interacting with an XmlDb.
XmlDbWebService.Command Command for making a request to XmlDbWebService.
XmlResourceCleanupHandler HandlerInterceptor implementation that looks for List<XmlResource> and XmlResource objects in order to call the method on them.
XQueryAdminController Admin controller for executing XQuery programs.
XQueryAdminController.Command The command class.
XQueryAdminController.Result The result model class.

Enum Summary
XmlDbWebConstants.BatchOperation The batch operation to perform.
XmlDbWebConstants.BatchTask The batch task to perform.