AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Base implemenation of XmlDb that supports batch transactions.
AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
AbstractSimpleParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Base class for XAttack.IterationParametersResolver implementations that resolve a simple parameter.
AbstractSimpleParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.AbstractSimpleParametersResolver
addResultId(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
Add a result ID.
addResultId(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionHolder
afterCompletion(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, Exception) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlResourceCleanupHandler
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService


BasicBatchTransactionHolder - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Simple helper class for batch transaction processing.
BasicBatchTransactionHolder() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
BasicCacheEventListenerFactory - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Basic implementation of CacheEventListenerFactory that allows creating CacheEventListener instances.
BasicCacheEventListenerFactory() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicCacheEventListenerFactory
BasicNamespaceContext - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A configurable NamespaceContext to use with XPath.
BasicNamespaceContext() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
BasicSearchResultsMetadata - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Basic implementation of SearchResultsMetadata.
BasicSearchResultsMetadata() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicSearchResultsMetadata
Default constructor.
BasicSearchResultsMetadata(int, long) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicSearchResultsMetadata
Construct from values.
BasicXmlResource - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
A basic implementation of XmlResource.
BasicXmlResource(InputStream, Serializable) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
Construct with an InputStream to some XML.
BasicXmlResource(String, Serializable) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
Construct with a String of some XML.
BasicXQuerySearchCriteria - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Basic immplementation of XQuerySearchCriteria.
BasicXQuerySearchCriteria() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
Default constructor.
BasicXQuerySearchCriteria(String, Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
Construct from an XQuery with dynamic XQuery bindings.
BasicXQuerySearchCriteria(String, Map<String, ?>, StringMerger) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
Construct from an XQuery with dynamic XQuery bindings.
BATCH_RESULT_ID_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The XmlDb batch result ID element returned by batch commits.


Cacheable - Interface in net.sf.xaj
API for an object that is able to be cached.
clear() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
clearCache(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
Clear all items from a specific cache.
clearTempData() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
Delete the temporary file associated with this instance.
clone() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
close() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
close() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
close() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Dispose of any open resources and close the database.
commit(TransactionStatus) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager
configFile - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
The Spring configuration file.
configFile - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
The Spring configuration file.
configFile - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool.Command
The Spring configuration file.
createCacheEventListener(Properties) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicCacheEventListenerFactory
createRelative(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource


DateParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Resolve date strings.
DateParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
Default constructor.
DEFAULT_BATCH_QUEUE_SIZE - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the batchQueueSize property.
DEFAULT_INFO_BATCH_PROCESS - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the infoBatchProgress property.
DEFAULT_MAX_SECONDS_OFFER_QUEUE - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
The default value for the maxSecondsOfferQueue property.
DEFAULT_MAX_SECONDS_OFFER_QUEUE - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the maxSecondsOfferQueue property.
DEFAULT_MAX_WAIT_BATCH_RESULTS - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the maxWaitForBatchResults property (14 hours).
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
The default value for the paramName property.
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomBooleanParametersResolver
The default value for the paramName property.
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomSetParametersResolver
The default value for the paramName property.
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
The default value for the paramName property.
DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
The default value for the paramName property.
DEFAULT_PAUSE_AFTER_DELETE - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the pauseAfterDeleteMs property.
DEFAULT_SHUTDOWN_EXECUTOR_WAIT_SECS - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
The default value for the shutdownExecutorWaitSecs property.
DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the transactionTimeoutMs property (4 hours).
DEFAULT_TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT_PERIOD - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The default value for the transactionTimoutPeriodMs property.
DEFAULT_XQUERY_RESULTS_MODEL_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
The default value for the xQueryResultsModelKey property.
delete(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
delete(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
delete(Serializable) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Delete an XML resource based on its ID.
DELETE_RESULT_MODEL_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The model key for the Integer number resulting from a batch delete.
deleteByXQuery(XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
deleteByXQuery(XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
deleteByXQuery(XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Delete a set of XML resources that match the results of an XQuery.
destroy() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
DiscoverableXmlDb - Interface in net.sf.xaj
API for XmlDb implementations that are discoverable via some service locator.
dispose() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
doBegin(Object, TransactionDefinition) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
doCleanupAfterCompletion(Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
doClose() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
Perform any clean up when the XmlDb is closed.
doCommit(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
doGetTransaction() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
doInit() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
Called by AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb.init() during initialization.
Dom4jXmlResource - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
A Dom4j based XmlResource implementation.
Dom4jXmlResource() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
Default constrcutor.
Dom4jXmlResource(Node, Serializable, DocumentFactory) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
Constrcut from a node and ID.
DOMXmlResource - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
A DOM Document based XmlResource implementation.
DOMXmlResource(Node, Serializable) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.DOMXmlResource
Construct from a DOM Node and ID.
doRollback(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
doSetRollbackOnly(DefaultTransactionStatus) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager


EhcacheManagerBean - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Management bean for Ehcache, designed as a JMX bean.
EhcacheManagerBean() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
Default constructor.
EhcacheManagerBean(CacheManager) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
Construct with a CacheManager.
ERROR_CODE_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The name of the HTTP response header that will contain an error code.
ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
An "unkown" type of error.
ERROR_MESSAGE_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The name of the HTTP response header that will contain an error message.
ERROR_XML_STORE_FAILED - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
The error code for when the system fails to store an XmlResource.
ERROR_XML_STORE_FAILED_UNRECOVERABLE - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
The error code for when the system fails to store an XmlResource in a transaction and the transaction has been aborted.
executeXQuery(XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
executeXQuery(XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
executeXQuery(XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Execute an XQuery program and return the results.
exists() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
expectDocument() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
expectDocument() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria
If true then a single XML document is expected as the results of the XQuery, otherwise a set of results is expected.


finalize() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempFile
free() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
free() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
free() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.DOMXmlResource
free() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlResource
Free up any resources associated with this XmlResource.


get(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
get(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
get(Serializable) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Get an XML resource based on its ID.
getAsSource() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
getAsSource() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
getAsSource() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.DOMXmlResource
getAsSource() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlResource
Get the content of this XML resource as an XSLT Source, for use in a transformation.
getAsStream() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
getAsStream() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
getAsStream() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.DOMXmlResource
getAsStream() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlResource
Get the content of this XML resource as an input stream
getAsString() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
getAsString() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
getAsString() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.DOMXmlResource
getAsString() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlResource
Get the content of this XML resource as a String.
getBatchQueueSize() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getBatchTransactionId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
getBatchTransactionId() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.BatchTaskResult
Get the batch process transaction ID.
getBeanPropertyMapping() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlResourceCleanupHandler
getCache() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
getCacheKey() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.Cacheable
Get the cache key for this object.
getCacheKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
getCacheManager() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
getCacheNames() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
Get the list of configured caches.
getCalendarIterationAmount() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getCalendarIterationType() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getChain() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackDelegatingParametersResolver
getCommand(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getCommand(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
getCommitView() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getDatePattern() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getDelegates() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager
getDelegates() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
getDescription() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
getDocIdXpath() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
getDocumentBuilderFactory() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getException() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
getExecutor() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
getExecutor() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
getFile() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
getFilename() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
getFrame() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
getHttpClient() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
getId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.Dom4jXmlResource
getId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.DOMXmlResource
getId() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlResource
Get the unique ID that identifies this XML resource.
getInfoBatchProgress() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getInputStream() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
getInputXml() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
getInputXslt() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
getInstance() - Static method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StringMerger
Get the default instance.
getIterations() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
getLastXmlResourceId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StoreBatchHandler
getLastXmlResourceId() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDbBatchHandler
Get the XmlResource ID for the last processed element.
getListVariableDelimiter() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getListVariableDelimiter() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getListVariableKeys() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getListVariableSplitDelimiter() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getMaxChar() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
getMaxSecondsOfferQueue() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
getMaxSecondsOfferQueue() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getMaxWaitForBatchResults() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getMetadata() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
getMetadata() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
getMetadata() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchResults
Get the result metadata.
getMinChar() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
getMyManagerBean() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator
getName() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
getNamespacePrefixMap() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
getNumChars() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
getNumDeleted() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
getOp() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
getPage() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
getPage() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria
Get the page of search results to return.
getPageSize() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
getPageSize() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria
Get the desired page size.
getParamName() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.AbstractSimpleParametersResolver
getPauseAfterDeleteMs() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getPrefix(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
getPrefixes(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
getQueryTemplate() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackQueryTaskConfig
getRandomStartFactor() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
getRandomTimeJitter() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getRandomTimeJitterDirection() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getRandomTimeJitterType() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getRemoteXmlDb() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
getRequestURI() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
getResources() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
getResultIds() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
getResultIdsList() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionHolder
Protected-level accessor for direct-access to result IDs list.
getResultView() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
getResultView() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
getSaveDir() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getSearchTimeInMillis() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicSearchResultsMetadata
getSearchTimeInMillis() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata
Get the number of milliseconds the execution of the search took.
getServiceKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
getServiceKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
getServiceKey() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.DiscoverableXmlDb
Get a unique key that can be used to represent this service.
getShutdownExecutorWaitSecs() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
getStartDate() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
getStartFrom() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
getState() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
getState() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
getState() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Get the State of the XmlDb.
getTask() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
getTmpDir() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
getTotalMatches() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicSearchResultsMetadata
getTotalMatches() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata
Get the total number of matches for the query.
getTransaction(TransactionDefinition) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager
getTransactionHolder() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
Get a BasicBatchTransactionHolder implementation inside of a transaction.
getTransactionHolder() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getTransactionHolderKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
Get the object the transaction holder is bound to for a given thread.
getTransactionHolderKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getTransactionKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
getTransactionTemplate() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
getTransactionTemplate() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
getTransactionTimeoutMs() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getTransactionTimeoutTimer() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getTransactionTimoutPeriodMs() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getTransformerFactory() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getTxId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionHolder
getTxId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
getURL() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
getValueList() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomSetParametersResolver
getVariableResolver() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackQueryTaskConfig
getVariables() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
getVariables() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getVariables() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
getVariables() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria
Get a Map of XQuery variable names to their associated values.
getXml() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
getXml() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getXmlDb() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
getXmlDb() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
getXmlDb() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.DiscoverableXmlDb
Get the XmlDb instance represented by this service key.
getXmlDb() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
getXmlDb() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getXmlDbBatchUrl() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getXmlDbInstance(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBean
getXmlDbInstance(String) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDbManager
Get an XmlDb implementation.
getXmlDbManager() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
getXmlDbManager() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
getXmlDbManager() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
getXmlDbQueryUrl() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getXmlDbServiceKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
getXmlDbServiceName() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
getXmlDbServiceName() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getXmlDbServiceName() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getXmlDbStoreUrl() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
getXmlId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
getXmlId() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getXQuery() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
getXquery() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
getXquery() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
getXQuery() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria
Get the XQuery to execute.
getXQueryResultsModelKey() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
getXsltParametersResolver() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig


handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, BindException) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
handle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, BindException) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
handleStaxXQuerySearchResultsPut(Ehcache, Element, Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
Handle the addition of a StaxXQuerySearchResults object to the cache.
handleStaxXQuerySearchResultsRemove(Ehcache, Element, Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
Handle the removal of a StaxXQuerySearchResults object from the cache.


init() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
Initialize this XmlDb.
init() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
Initialize this XmlDb.
init() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
Initialize this class for use, after configuring the class properties.
init() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
Initialize for use.
init() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
Initialize for use.
inputDir - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
The input directory.
inputFile - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
The input file.
invoke(MethodInvocation) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
isBatchTransactionComplete() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
isConfirmDelete() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
isDelete() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
isDelete() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
isDirect() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
isDocument() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
isExistingTransaction(Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
isExpectDocument() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
isIncludeMachineNameInTempFiles() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
isOnlyAlphaNumeric() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
isOpen() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
isPreferTransactionProxy() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator
isQueryPlan() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
isQueryPlan() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
isQueryPlan() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
isReturnDocument() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
isShutdownExecutorServiceOnClose() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
isSkipRootElement() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults


LISTENER_CLASS_PROPERTY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicCacheEventListenerFactory
The property key for the class of the CacheEventListener to create.
listIterator(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
log - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
A class-level logger.
LOG_ID_COUNTER - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
A counter to use for tracking actions and assigning IDs to them, for logging.


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack
Run the XML load test tool.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool
Run the XML data load tool.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool
Run the XML data load tool.
mergeString(String, String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StringMerger
Merge from a String source and return the result.
mergeString(String, Object, String, StringBuilder) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StringMerger
Merge from a String source into a StringBuilder.
MODEL_KEY_INPUT - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
The model key for the XQueryAdminController.Command object.
MODEL_KEY_RESULT - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
The model key for the XQueryAdminController.Result object.


net.sf.xaj - package net.sf.xaj
net.sf.xaj.core - package net.sf.xaj.core
net.sf.xaj.support - package net.sf.xaj.support
net.sf.xaj.web - package net.sf.xaj.web
notifyElementEvicted(Ehcache, Element) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
notifyElementExpired(Ehcache, Element) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
notifyElementPut(Ehcache, Element) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
notifyElementRemoved(Ehcache, Element) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
notifyElementUpdated(Ehcache, Element) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
notifyRemoveAll(Ehcache) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener


onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator


postHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, ModelAndView) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlResourceCleanupHandler
preHandle(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlResourceCleanupHandler
processBatch(Iterable<XmlResource>, XmlDbBatchHandler) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
processBatch(Iterable<XmlResource>, XmlDbBatchHandler) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
processBatch(Iterable<XmlResource>, XmlDbBatchHandler) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Process a set of XmlResource objects.
processFormSubmission(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, Object, BindException) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
processXmlResource(XmlDb, int, XmlResource) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StoreBatchHandler
processXmlResource(XmlDb, int, XmlResource) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDbBatchHandler
Process an XmlResource.


query - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool.Command
The XQuery to run.
queryPlan() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
queryPlan() - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria
If true then return just an implementation-specific query plan for the XQuery.
queryTaskDelay - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
The number of update threads to run.
queryThreads - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
The number of update threads to run.


RandomBooleanParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Resolve a random boolean value.
RandomBooleanParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomBooleanParametersResolver
Default constructor.
RandomSetParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Resolve a random value from a pre-defined set of values.
RandomSetParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomSetParametersResolver
Default constructor.
RandomStringParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Resolve a random String value of a specific length.
RandomStringParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
Default constructor.
registerXmlDbService(String, XmlDb) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBean
Setup a single XmlDb service.
ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Basic PlatformTransactionManager for replicated transactions.
ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager
ReplicatingXmlDb - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
An XmlDb that replicates write operations to a set of XmlDb delegates and then executes reads against any of the XmlDb instances in round-robin fashion.
ReplicatingXmlDb() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
REQUEST_PARAM_BATCH_OPERATION - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the batch operation.
REQUEST_PARAM_BATCH_TASK - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the batch task.
REQUEST_PARAM_BATCH_TRANSACTION_ID - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the batch transaction ID.
REQUEST_PARAM_DELETE - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the delete flag.
REQUEST_PARAM_LIST_VARIABLES_DELIMITER - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the list variable delimiter data.
REQUEST_PARAM_LIST_VARIABLES_SET - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the list variable keys data.
REQUEST_PARAM_QUERY_DIRECT - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name to run a direct XQuery.
REQUEST_PARAM_QUERY_PLAN - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the query plan flag.
REQUEST_PARAM_SERVICE_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the XmlDb service key.
REQUEST_PARAM_VARIABLES_MAP - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the variables Map data.
REQUEST_PARAM_XML - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the XmlResource XML content.
REQUEST_PARAM_XML_ID - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the XmlResource ID.
REQUEST_PARAM_XQUERY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The request parameter name for the XQuery program.
resolveParameters(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
resolveParameters(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomBooleanParametersResolver
resolveParameters(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomSetParametersResolver
resolveParameters(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
resolveParameters(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
resolveParameters(int) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.IterationParametersResolver
Resolve the parameters for a given iteration.
resolveParameters(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackDelegatingParametersResolver
resolveSimpleMap(Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.AbstractSimpleParametersResolver
Resolve a Map from the configured paramName and a value.
resolveSimpleMap(String, Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.AbstractSimpleParametersResolver
Resolve a Map from a single key/value pair.
resultIds - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
The list of result IDs.
rollback(TransactionStatus) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager
run() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack
Run the tool.
run() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool
Run the tool.
run() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool
Run the tool.
runMinutes - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
The number of update threads to run.


SequenceParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Resolve a sequence Long value.
SequenceParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
Default constructor.
SerializableTempFile - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Deprecated. see SerializableTempResource
SerializableTempFile(String, String, File) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempFile
Deprecated. Constructor.
SerializableTempFile(String, String, File, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempFile
Deprecated. Constructor.
SerializableTempFile(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempFile
Deprecated. Constructor for in-place data serialization.
SerializableTempFile(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempFile
Deprecated. Constructor for in-place data serialization.
SerializableTempFile(String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempFile
Deprecated. Constructor for in-place data serialization.
SerializableTempResource - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
A temporary file-based resource that can be serialized, preserving the file's contents.
SerializableTempResource(String, String) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
SerializableTempResource(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
SerializableTempResource(String, String, File) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
SerializableTempResource(String, String, File, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.SerializableTempResource
setBatchQueueSize(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setBatchTransactionComplete(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
setBatchTransactionId(UUID) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
setBeanPropertyMapping(Map<String, Set<String>>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlResourceCleanupHandler
setCache(Ehcache) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
setCacheManager(CacheManager) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
setCalendarIterationAmount(float) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setCalendarIterationType(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setChain(List<XAttack.IterationParametersResolver>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackDelegatingParametersResolver
setCommitView(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setConfirmDelete(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setDatePattern(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setDelegates(PlatformTransactionManager[]) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingPlatformTransactionManager
setDelegates(XmlDb[]) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
setDelete(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setDelete(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setDirect(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setDocIdXpath(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
setDocument(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setDocumentBuilderFactory(DocumentBuilderFactory) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setException(Throwable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
setExecutor(ExecutorService) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
setExecutor(ExecutorService) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
setExpectDocument(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
setFrame(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setHttpClient(HttpClient) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setId(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXmlResource
setIncludeMachineNameInTempFiles(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setInfoBatchProgress(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setInputXml(Resource) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
setInputXslt(Resource) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
setIterations(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
setListVariableDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setListVariableDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setListVariableKeys(Set<String>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setListVariableSplitDelimiter(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setManagedXmlDbRegexMap(Map<String, XmlDb>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBean
Setup the managedXmlDbMap property using a Map with String service keys.
setMaxChar(char) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
setMaxSecondsOfferQueue(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
setMaxSecondsOfferQueue(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setMaxWaitForBatchResults(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setMetadata(XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
setMinChar(char) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
setMyManagerBean(XmlDbManagerBean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator
setName(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
setNamespacePrefixMap(Map<String, String>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.BasicNamespaceContext
setNumChars(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
setNumDeleted(Integer) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
setOnlyAlphaNumeric(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomStringParametersResolver
setOp(XmlDbWebConstants.BatchOperation) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
setPage(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
setPageSize(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
setParamName(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.AbstractSimpleParametersResolver
setPauseAfterDeleteMs(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setPreferTransactionProxy(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator
setQueryPlan(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
setQueryPlan(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setQueryPlan(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setQueryTemplate(Resource) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackQueryTaskConfig
setRandomStartFactor(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
setRandomTimeJitter(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setRandomTimeJitterDirection(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setRandomTimeJitterType(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setRemoteXmlDb(XmlDbWebRemoteService) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
setRequestURI(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
setResources(List<XmlResource>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
setResultIds(List<Serializable>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
setResultView(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
setResultView(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
setReturnDocument(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setSaveDir(File) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setSearchTimeInMillis(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicSearchResultsMetadata
setServiceKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
setServiceKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
setShutdownExecutorServiceOnClose(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
setShutdownExecutorWaitSecs(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
setSkipRootElement(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
setStartDate(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.DateParametersResolver
setStartFrom(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.SequenceParametersResolver
setTask(XmlDbWebConstants.BatchTask) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
setTmpDir(File) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
setTotalMatches(int) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicSearchResultsMetadata
setTransactionKey(Object) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicBatchTransactionHolder
setTransactionTemplate(TransactionTemplate) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.AbstractDiscoverableXmlDb
setTransactionTemplate(TransactionTemplate) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
setTransactionTimeoutMs(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setTransactionTimeoutTimer(Timer) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setTransactionTimoutPeriodMs(long) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setTransformerFactory(TransformerFactory) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setTxId(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
setValueList(List<?>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.RandomSetParametersResolver
setVariableResolver(XAttack.IterationParametersResolver) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackQueryTaskConfig
setVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
setVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setVariables(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setXml(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
setXml(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setXmlDb(XmlDb) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
setXmlDbBatchUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setXmlDbManager(XmlDbManager) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
setXmlDbManager(XmlDbManager) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
setXmlDbManager(XmlDbManager) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
setXmlDbQueryUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setXmlDbServiceKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setXmlDbServiceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
setXmlDbServiceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setXmlDbServiceName(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setXmlDbStoreUrl(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
setXmlId(Serializable) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
setXmlId(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setXQuery(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.BasicXQuerySearchCriteria
setXquery(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
setXquery(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
setXQueryResultsModelKey(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
setXsltParametersResolver(XAttack.IterationParametersResolver) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
showForm(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, BindException) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
size() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
splitOnFirstLevelElements - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
Split first-level elements.
StaxXQuerySearchResults - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Implementation of XmlDb.XQuerySearchResults using StAX parsing to conserve memory on large result sets.
StaxXQuerySearchResults(Resource, XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
Construct instance.
StaxXQuerySearchResults(Resource, XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata, boolean) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
Construct instance.
StaxXQuerySearchResults(Resource, XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata, boolean, ExecutorService) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
Construct instance.
StaxXQuerySearchResults(Reader, XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
Construct instance from stream.
StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Ehcache event listener to handle cleaning up cached temp files when cached StaxXQuerySearchResults are removed from the cache.
StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
Default constructor.
StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener(Properties) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
Construct with properties.
STORE_RESULT_ID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The XmlDb result attribute returned by a store request for the XmlResource ID.
StoreBatchHandler - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Simple XmlDbBatchHandler that stores each document.
StoreBatchHandler() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StoreBatchHandler
Default constructor.
StoreBatchHandler(Log, int) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StoreBatchHandler
Construct with info logging support.
storeXml(XmlResource) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.ReplicatingXmlDb
storeXml(XmlResource) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
storeXml(XmlResource) - Method in interface net.sf.xaj.XmlDb
Store an XML resource in the DB.
StringMerger - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
Utility class for performing a simple string-merge of variables into a template.
StringMerger() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StringMerger
Default constructor.
StringMerger(Pattern) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StringMerger
Construct with a custom merge variable pattern.
StringMerger(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.StringMerger
Construct with a custom merge variable pattern.


TEMP_FILE_PREFIX - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
The prefix used for temp files created by this service.
TEMP_FILE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
The suffix used for temp files created by this service.
toString() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResults
toString() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
toString() - Method in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
TRACK_ITEMS_FOR_REMOVE_ALL_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.core.StaxXQuerySearchResultsCacheListener
The property key for the trackItemsForRemoveAll boolean flag.
TRANSACTION_ID_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The name of the HTTP response header that will contain the transaction ID.


unRegisterXmlDbService(String) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBean
Unregister a single XmlDb service.
updateTaskDelay - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
The number of update threads to run.
updateThreads - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
The number of update threads to run.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants.BatchOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants.BatchTask
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.State
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants.BatchOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants.BatchTask
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
values() - Static method in enum net.sf.xaj.XmlDb.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they're declared.
viewAllCacheInfo(boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
View information about all configured caches.
viewCacheInfo(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
View information about an individual cache.
viewCacheInfoDetailed(String, boolean) - Method in class net.sf.xaj.core.EhcacheManagerBean
View detailed information about an individual cache.


WEB_BATCH_LOG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
A logger name for web-based batch tracking.
WEB_QUERY_LOG_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
A logger name for web-based query tracking.
WebRemoteTransactionHolder - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
WebRemoteTransactionManager binds instances of this class to the thread, for a given XmlDbWebRemoteService.
WebRemoteTransactionHolder(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionHolder
Construct with a transaction ID.
WebRemoteTransactionManager - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
PlatformTransactionManager implementation for the XmlDbWebRemoteService class.
WebRemoteTransactionManager() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.WebRemoteTransactionManager
Default constructor.


XAttack - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Xaj load testing tool.
XAttack(XAttack.Command) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack
Construct from a Command object.
XAttack.Command - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A command-line arguments bean object.
XAttack.Command() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttack.Command
XAttack.IterationParametersResolver - Interface in net.sf.xaj.support
API for resolving input parameters for update tasks, such as XSLT parameters or XQuery external variables.
XAttackDelegatingParametersResolver - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
Implementation of XAttack.IterationParametersResolver for generating XSLT input parameters for XAttack that delegates to a list of other XAttack.IterationParametersResolver implementations.
XAttackDelegatingParametersResolver() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackDelegatingParametersResolver
XAttackQueryTaskConfig - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
An XAttack configuration bean for XQuery tasks.
XAttackQueryTaskConfig() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackQueryTaskConfig
XAttackTaskConfig - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A configuration bean for XAttack tasks.
XAttackTaskConfig() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackTaskConfig
XAttackUpdateTaskConfig - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
An XAttack configuration bean for bulk update tasks.
XAttackUpdateTaskConfig() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XAttackUpdateTaskConfig
XML_RESOURCE_IDS_MODEL_KEY - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
The model key for the List of XmlResource IDs after a commit.
XmlDb - Interface in net.sf.xaj
API for an XQuery based service.
XmlDb.BatchTaskResult - Interface in net.sf.xaj
A Future for the List of Serializable XmlResource IDs processed in the batch process.
XmlDb.SearchResultsMetadata - Interface in net.sf.xaj
Metadata about SearchResults.
XmlDb.State - Enum in net.sf.xaj
A state.
XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria - Interface in net.sf.xaj
XQuery search criteria.
XmlDb.XQuerySearchResults - Interface in net.sf.xaj
Search results object.
XMLDB_DEFAULT_NAMESPACE_ALIAS - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
The default XmlDb XML namespace alias.
XMLDB_NAMESPACE_URI - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
The XmlDb XML namespace.
XmlDbBatchHandler - Interface in net.sf.xaj
API for processing an XmlResource in batch.
XmlDbBatchWebService - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
Web service for managing long-running batch operations.
XmlDbBatchWebService() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService
XmlDbBatchWebService.Command - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
Controller command object.
XmlDbBatchWebService.Command() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbBatchWebService.Command
XmlDbConstants - Class in net.sf.xaj
Constants for the XmlDb project.
XmlDbConstants() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
XmlDbException - Exception in net.sf.xaj
A runtime exception for XmlDb.
XmlDbException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.xaj.XmlDbException
Construct with a message and nested exception.
XmlDbException(String) - Constructor for exception net.sf.xaj.XmlDbException
Construct with a message.
XmlDbException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception net.sf.xaj.XmlDbException
Construct with a nested exception.
XmlDbManager - Interface in net.sf.xaj
Entry point for the XmlDb API.
XmlDbManagerBean - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
A simple implementation of XmlDbManager for use within an IOC container, such as Spring.
XmlDbManagerBean() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBean
XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
A Spring service locator bean that will look for DiscoverableXmlDb instances in the application context and add them to the configured XmlDbManagerBean.
XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.XmlDbManagerBeanServiceLocator
xmlDbName - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
The Spring bean name of the XmlDb to use.
xmlDbName - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool.Command
The Spring bean name of the XmlDb to use.
xmlDbTransactionTemplateName - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool.Command
The Spring bean name of the TransactionTemplate to use.
XmlDbWebConstants - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
Constants for the XmlDb web package.
XmlDbWebConstants() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
XmlDbWebConstants.BatchOperation - Enum in net.sf.xaj.web
The batch operation to perform.
XmlDbWebConstants.BatchTask - Enum in net.sf.xaj.web
The batch task to perform.
XmlDbWebRemoteService - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
An XmlDb faade that delegates tasks to a remote XmlDb web service.
XmlDbWebRemoteService() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebRemoteService
XmlDbWebService - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
Simple web-based service for interacting with an XmlDb.
XmlDbWebService() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService
XmlDbWebService.Command - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
Command for making a request to XmlDbWebService.
XmlDbWebService.Command() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebService.Command
XmlLoaderTool - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A command-line tool to load a set of XML data into a Xaj database.
XmlLoaderTool(XmlLoaderTool.Command) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool
Construct from a Command object.
XmlLoaderTool.Command - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A command-line arguments bean object.
XmlLoaderTool.Command() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
XmlResource - Interface in net.sf.xaj
API for base XML document structure.
XmlResourceCleanupHandler - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
HandlerInterceptor implementation that looks for List<XmlResource> and XmlResource objects in order to call the XmlResource.free() method on them.
XmlResourceCleanupHandler() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlResourceCleanupHandler
XQUERY_RESULT_LIST_ELEMENT_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.XmlDbConstants
The XmlDb result root element returned by XQuery results of more than one element.
XQUERY_RESULT_SEARCH_TIME_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The name of the HTTP response header that will contain the search time (milliseconds).
XQUERY_RESULT_TOTAL_RESULTS_HEADER_NAME - Static variable in class net.sf.xaj.web.XmlDbWebConstants
The name of the HTTP response header that will contain the total results number.
XQueryAdminController - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
Admin controller for executing XQuery programs.
XQueryAdminController() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController
XQueryAdminController.Command - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
The command class.
XQueryAdminController.Command() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Command
XQueryAdminController.Result - Class in net.sf.xaj.web
The result model class.
XQueryAdminController.Result(String) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.web.XQueryAdminController.Result
Construct a result.
XQueryCacheInterceptor - Class in net.sf.xaj.core
An AOP interceptor to supporting caching of XmlDb.XQuerySearchResults objects resulting from XmlDb.XQuerySearchCriteria based searches.
XQueryCacheInterceptor() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.core.XQueryCacheInterceptor
XQueryTool - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A command-line tool to load a set of XML data into a Xaj database.
XQueryTool(XQueryTool.Command) - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool
Construct from a Command object.
XQueryTool.Command - Class in net.sf.xaj.support
A command-line arguments bean object.
XQueryTool.Command() - Constructor for class net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool.Command


zip - Variable in class net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool.Command
Treat input as zip.