Xaj: Mondial Example with Berkeley DB XML
This guide shows an example of using Xaj with the
Berkeley DB XML
database by loading the
Mondial XML dataset
into a Berkeley DB XML enviornment using Xaj and then querying that database with XQuery.
At a minimum you'll need the following to be able to follow this guide:
- The Xaj source code, checked out from Subversion. See the
Building from source guide for information
on this.
- Berkeley
DB XML 2.3
- A Java 5 or later runtime.
- Apache Ant 1.6 or later.
Compile the Xaj JAR
First you need to build the Xaj JAR. Follow the steps in the
build guide, following the steps outlined for
the Berkeley DB XML support (i.e. be sure to pass the -Dwith.bdb=true
flag to Ant). It should look similar to this:
~/xaj matt$ ant -Dwith.bdb=true jar
Buildfile: build.xml
[mkdir] Created dir: xaj/build/ant/bin
[mkdir] Created dir: xaj/build/ant/src
[javac] Compiling 35 source files to xaj/build/ant/bin
[copy] Copying 35 files to xaj/build/ant/src
[javac] Compiling 11 source files to xaj/build/ant/bin
[copy] Copying 11 files to xaj/build/ant/src
[jar] Building jar: xaj/dist/xaj.jar
Total time: 5 seconds
Load the Mondial data
This data is available in the defs/examples/data
directory in the
Xaj source distribution. To load it, we'll use a simple tool included with Xaj.
- Change into the
- Copy the
file to
- Run the
Ant task.
The whole thing should look similar to this:
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ cp mondial-loader.properties env.properties
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ ant mondial-loader
Buildfile: build.xml
[mkdir] Created dir: xaj/defs/examples/bdb/mondial
[java] INFO Initializing BDB Environment [xaj/defs/examples/bdb/mondial]
[java] INFO DbEnvironment version = Berkeley DB 4.5.20: (September 20, 2006)
[java] INFO DB XML version = Oracle: Berkeley DB XML 2.3.10: (January 30, 2007)
[java] INFO Stored batch XML 700: dbxml_701
[java] INFO Stored batch XML 800: dbxml_801
[java] INFO Stored batch XML 900: dbxml_901
[java] INFO Loaded 974 XML documents from [xaj/defs/examples/data/mondial.xml.gz]
Total time: 1 minute 8 seconds
Query the Mondial data
Now that you've loaded the Mondial data, you can query it with another simple
tool that is included with Xaj. The net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool
class is a simple tool to query a Xaj database.
- Run the
Ant task to generate the Java
command line arguments needed to run the tool.
- Copy the generated command line, appending
and the desired XQuery to run.
The whole thing should look similar to this (note that the results
have been wrapped for display here, but should be treated as non-wrapped lines
when you execute them):
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ ant mondial-query
Buildfile: build.xml
[echo] java -classpath xaj/lib/args4j-2.0.8.jar:xaj/lib/commons-logging.jar:
xaj/defs/examples/bdb net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool -config mondial-XmlDbContext.xml
-db mondialXmlDb -txnTmpl bdbTransactionTemplate
Total time: 1 second
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ java -classpath xaj/lib/... net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool
-config mondial-XmlDbContext.xml -db mondialXmlDb -txnTmpl bdbTransactionTemplate
-query 'for $name in collection("mondial.dbxml")/country/name
order by $name return $name'
INFO Initializing BDB Environment [xaj/defs/examples/bdb/mondial]
INFO DbEnvironment version = Berkeley DB 4.5.20: (September 20, 2006)
INFO DB XML version = Oracle: Berkeley DB XML 2.3.10: (January 30, 2007)
1) <name>Afghanistan</name>
2) <name>Albania</name>
3) <name>Algeria</name>
4) <name>American Samoa</name>
5) <name>Andorra</name>
256) <name>Western Samoa</name>
257) <name>Yemen</name>
258) <name>Zaire</name>
259) <name>Zambia</name>
260) <name>Zimbabwe</name>
Found 260 results in 269ms
Setting up a Xaj server with Berkeley DB XML
You can also configure Xaj as a server with Berkeley DB XML as the backend
database. In this example, we'll deploy Xaj into the Apache Tomcat servlet container.
- Download and install Apache Tomcat (version 5.5
or later recommended).
- Copy your db.jar and dbxml.jar files from your Berkeley DB XML
installation into TOMCAT_HOME/common/lib.
- Copy the
configuration file
from the defs/examples/bdb directory into environment/local.
- Copy the
file from the
defs/example/bdb directory into environment/local. This assumes
you created this file as previously described in this guide. You might need to
modify the cache.dir
property to a file path
suitable for your machine.
- Build the Xaj WAR by running the
- Copy the generated
into your Tomcat
webapps directory.
- Start Tomcat.
- Open a web browser and go to the
URL, using your local Tomcat server port, e.g.
The steps should look something like this:
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ cp mondial-server-XmlDbContext.xml ../../../environment/local
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ cp env.properties ../../../environment/local
~/xaj/defs/examples/bdb matt$ cd ../../..
~/xaj matt$ ant -Dwith-bdb=true dist-war
Buildfile: build.xml
[delete] Deleting directory xaj/build/ant
[mkdir] Created dir: xaj/build/ant/web
[copy] Copying 23 files to xaj/build/ant/web/WEB-INF/lib
[jar] Building jar: xaj/build/ant/web/WEB-INF/lib/xaj.jar
[copy] Copying 12 files to xaj/build/ant/web/WEB-INF/classes
[copy] Copying 7 files to xaj/build/ant/web/WEB-INF
[copy] Copying 18 files to xaj/build/ant/web
[zip] Building zip: xaj/dist/xaj.war
Total time: 9 seconds
~/xaj matt$ cd ../apache-tomcat-5.5.23
~/apache-tomcat-5.5.23 matt$ bin/catalina.sh start
Using CATALINA_BASE: apache-tomcat-5.5.23
Using CATALINA_HOME: apache-tomcat-5.5.23
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: apache-tomcat-5.5.23/temp
Using JRE_HOME: /System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Home
After a brief moment, you should be able to visit http://localhost:8080/xaj/admin/xquery.do
in your web browser, which should look like this:
The Xaj web server XQuery Admin Tool
In order to query the Mondial database, change the Service key to
. Now you can execute the same XQuery you
tried before, using the command-line tool. It should look like this:
Results of executing an XQuery against the Mondial database
Where to go from here
Check out the source for the net.sf.xaj.support.XmlLoaderTool
and the net.sf.xaj.support.XQueryTool
to see how these simple
command-line tools use the Xaj API for loading and querying the XML data. The
Spring configuration
shows how the Xaj Berkeley DB XML environment is configured.